James Gao

James Gao, a certified instructor and referee by NCAS (Australia National Coaching Accreditation Scheme) and NOAS (National Officiating Accreditation Scheme), is a 6th generation of traditional Yang Style Tai Chi practitioner with over 30 years of martial arts experience. He started his martial arts journey from 1981 in Shanghai, China. He initially trained in Shaolin Kung Fu and later moved on to traditional Yang style Tai Chi, Xing Yi and Bagua. James had won many medals as a representative of the university team in Shanghai All University Wu Shu competitions.

After migration to Australia, while maintaining his Tai Chi training, James also spent many years learning Karate and Hapkido and achieved black belt status in both of these arts. After refocusing on his beloved art of Tai Chi, James met Sifu Harvey Lee and learned Yang Bang Hou linage of Yang style Tai Chi – a rare gem of Tai Chi training.

James is a multiple winner of Push Hands and traditional Yang style form, taking the Australia Open Tai Chi Championship in 2012 and 2015. He is also an executive committee member of Tai Chi Association Australia, the organiser of the Annual Australia Open Tai Chi Competition.