The Chief Instructor

Master Harvey Lee is an internal style martial art instructor with over three decades of teaching experience in Australia. Fundamental to Lee’s system of training are the soft essence of Tai Chi Quan and the explosive power of Cannon fist (San Huang Pao Cui Quan ).

Lee inherited these martial arts styles from Grandmaster Bai Qing Zhai (白慶斎) – a 5th generation lineage master of the 188 Posture old style Tai Chi Chuan and a 7th generation lineage master of Cannon Fist. Bai adopted the soft essence of the old style Tai Chi and the explosive essence of San Huang Pao Chui to create a fresh and potent system of internal martial art. It is this system that master Lee imparts in his teachings. Many of Lee’s students attained exceptional martial arts skills as a direct result of his teaching and mentoring. Several of these students have won championships in Tai Chi Push Hand competitions in Australia, including the Australian Open Tai Chi Push Hand Championships and the TCAA Push Hand Championships.

Master Lee began Chen Style Tai Chi Quan training in Beijing in the early 1980s under the tutelage of Grand master Lei Mu Ni (雷慕尼). Lei was the most senior student of Great Grandmaster Chen Fa Ke (陈发科) who was the 17th generation lineage holder of Chen Family Tai Chi Chuan. After Lei Mu Ni was called to rest, Lee studied the 188 Posture old style Tai Chi Chuan, Tai chi Push Hands, San Huang Pao Chi Quan (Cannon Fist), and weapons including Tai Chi sword, Pole and Guan Dao of the cannon fist system under the guidance of Bai Qing Zhai. Lee is an inner door student of Grandmaster Bai.

In recent years, through a great deal of research and exploration, Master Lee has adopted some modern combat training methods and techniques into his internal martial art training system that effectively remedies the lack of systematic antagonistic training in the process of inheritance of Tai Chi Quan and some of the other Chinese traditional martial arts.